Use this price calculatorĀ for Archival Arts' digitizing services.
If you need print pricing, please visit our print calculator. Visit our services page for more info about our process.
Capture with proof
Use this option if you plan to have prints made at Archival Arts in the future. We will digitize your art using our ultra high resolution Fuji GFX 100s camera.
After digitizing, we print a proof on the media of your choice, make corrections and repeat the process until the color is as close to the art as we can get it.
You will receive the final 8x10 size proof to approve the color. Once the color is approved, you will receive 3 files. 1. the original large tiff file uncropped, (between 300mb and 1gig depending on the size of the original). 2. An approximately 8x10, 300dpi tiff file. 3. A jpeg approximately 8x10 at 100dpi for web and email use.
Digital camera shot
Use this option if you do not plan to make prints larger than 9x12 and color is not critical. Good for entering shows, advertising on social media and creating small advertising like postcards or greeting cards. Our Nikon SLR camera is used. We do not do color correction but we do calibrate the camera for balanced grays and whites. Files are approximately 75 megabytes and are not cropped. Proofs are not included in this price. Proofs can be added for $8 each if desired.
Flatbed scan
Use this option for originals that are flat, thin and smaller than 8x10. Not recommended for original art due to flat lighting. Flatbed scans are best for old photographs, slides, negatives and documents. Proofs charged separately by size and media
Large files without color correction
If you need large files but do not plan to have Archival Arts make prints. It is sometimes best to opt out of color correction and have your printer proof and make color corrections. This would be true for book scans, murals, mass produced posters, etc. If you require this service, use the price calculator, view Capture with Proof and subtract 50%.